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Media Centre

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H&R Block facts at a glance:

H&R Block is the largest tax return preparation company in Australia and the world. We are happy to cooperate with journalists and media organisations seeking assistance in developing tax-related stories, referencing background information, scheduling interviews and checking facts.

  • Australia
  • Established: 1971
  • Tax Returns prepared p.a.: Approximately 700,000
  • Over 1 Billion in client refunds each year*
  • Associates: 2,500+
  • Offices: 426 (392 Company-owned + 34 Franchise)
  • Tax Training School approximately 3,500 students p.a.: 3,500
  • Headquarters: Sydney, NSW

*1 Billion client refund figure based on national H&R Block figures.

Worldwide (includes USA, Canada, Australia, India)

  • Established: 1955
  • Tax Returns prepared p.a.: 26,000,000
  • Associates: 80,000
  • Offices: 12,000
  • Tax Training School students p.a.: 100,000
  • Headquarters: Kansas City, Missouri