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Relax with Tax

Depreciation just got dreamy. Go from Amortisation to Zzzzz’s, one sleep inducing sub-clause at a time, as we read you the tax code with Google. Taxation Relaxation is an Action on Google that lulls you into a slumber by reading you the soothing sounds of the Australian Tax Code. 
Relax with Tax
  1. Google Assistant-enabled device

    You’ll need a Google Assistant-enabled device, an Android™ phone, or the Google Assistant app.
  2. Say "Hey Google"

    Just say “Hey Google, talk to Taxation Relaxation”.
  3. Choose your tax code section

    Choose from five snoozy parts of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997, and we’ll read it to you. Slowly.
  4. Drift off 

    Drift into the most financially literate slumber of your life.